Now that your MetaMask wallet is setup, you’re now ready to buy some Ethereum (ETH)!

MetaMask makes it simple for us to buy ETH. This process is especially easy on an iPhone because you can use Apple Pay without registering with the payment processor. Other carriers will use Transak. Regardless of the device you are using, this should only take a few minutes. So let’s get cooking! 

How to buy ETH on Metamask

  • Open the MetaMask app.
    • Select the menu button on the top left of the app.Click the “Add funds” button.
    • Click the blue “Buy ETH” button
    • Select pay with Apple Pay or Bank transfer or debit card with Transak.
  • Apple pay: Enter the amount of money you want to spend on ETH and click the “Buy with Apple Pay” button and then confirm the purchase with your preferred Apple Pay debit card.
  • Transak: Enter the amount of money you want to spend and then click “Buy Now.”
    • Click Buy ETH on the next screen.
    • Enter your email to register with Transak and press continue.
    • Verify your email by entering the verification code sent to your email address. Agree to their terms and press continue.
    • Enter your personal details and then press continue.

Congratulations, you’ve just purchased some of your first ETH and are now ready to make a trade.