What is Banana Gun?

Banana Gun is arguably one of the best Telegram bots on the market right now. It works on several Ethereum based blockchains and Solana. Banana Gun lets you snipe new token listings as well as purchase and sell tokens that are already live on chain.

Getting Started with Banana Gun

Using Banana Gun is pretty straight forward process so lets jump right in. For starters, you are going to need Telegram to be installed on the device you’re planning on using the bot. Then you will need to add all three Banana Gun bots to your Telegram account. Yes, there are three bots. One for sniping, one for buying and the last for selling. Click all the links in the list bellow and add them to your Telegram account. Bookmark the Banana Gun rewards dashboard in your browser.

Lets Configure Your Wallet

After you installed all of the Banana Gun bots, lets configure your settings to maximize Banana Bot. We will also enable the auto sniper and manual buyer.

  • In @BananaGunSniper_bot type /settings. Click “Wallet Settings” > “Default Auto Sniper Wallets” > Select the wallet you generated and enable it.
  • When you paste in a contract address that is not live yet Banana Gun will ask you how much do you want to spend and that will take you to the Sniping screen.
  • Select “Default Manual Buyer Wallets” to enable your wallet here. When you paste a live contract address you will be redirected to the Manual buyer screen.

How to use Banana Gun

The Banana Gun team made a some great videos on how to use their apps so instead of writing about it in depth you can watch it instead. For a more detailed walkthrough on how to use Banana Gun and all its features I suggest that you read through the official Banana Gun documentation.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3