What is PVP.TRADE?

PVP.Trade is a Telegram trading bot that simplifies trading on both spot and perpetual markets on Hyperliquid. It’s highly convenient, as you can trade from any device that supports Telegram. Currently, PVP.Trade has an active points program, so I recommend testing it out to potentially qualify for their airdrop. Some trading bots, such as Banana Gun, have performed exceptionally well, so it’s quite possible that the PVP.Trade airdrop could be lucrative in the future. As of January 1, 2025, PVP.Trade has already generated over $5 billion in trading volume.

Let’s get Started

  • Start the PVP.Trade Telegram bot by clicking “START BOT”
  • Run /start to begin
  • Deposit USDC via your Solana or Arbitrum address. For Arbitrum make sure it’s native USDC, not USDC.E
  • They provide you with a list of basic commands to get you started. To get the most out of the bot you can read the documentation for a complete list of all the commands

Trading Perps and Spot Markets on PVP.TRADE

When you deposit USDC, it is automatically placed in your perps wallet. If you want to trade perps with the bot, this setup is perfect, and you’re ready to get started. However, if you want to trade on the spot market, you’ll need to transfer your USDC to the spot wallet. To transfer USDC between the perps and spot wallets, simply run the /transfer command.

  • Run /chart HYPE to view the HYPE chart (or any asset that you’re interested in that is listed on Hyperliquid)
  • Run /price HYPE to check the HYPE price (or any asset that you’re interested in that is listed on Hyperliquid)
  • Run /long or /short to open a long or a short position on perps. To close you position run /close

If you are trading perps you can run the /long or /short commands to open your position. To close a perp position you need to run the /close command. To open or close a position on the spot market you first need to run the /chart command and then select the “Buy or Sell” button.